Sunday, April 24, 2011

Renate Hiller – “On Handwork”

     Very insightful and inspirational video made by Chuck Smith & Sono Kuwayama about how we've moved away from working with our hands and minds and have instead let modern toys, products and objects do it all for us. We've stripped something from our lives by not engaging in the crafts and activities we've outmoded. Adults and children alike need to be more hands on and involved in the art and tasks of life and not let it all be removed by labour saving devices and other luxury. We need contact.
     As Jacob Bronowski says:  “We have to understand that the world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation. The hand is more important than the eye… The hand is the cutting edge of the brain”.
     Renate Hiller is Co-Director of the Fiber Craft Studio in Chestnut Ridge, New York. She co-founded the Sunbridge College Applied Arts Program in 1996 and at present co-directs the fifth cycle. 
     This woman speaks so eloquently about the necessity of doing handwork that I will not interfere with my own commentary.

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